Week number 3 down and I'm not slowing down...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Go, go, go...
Posted by ColeenMegan at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
WOW spice!
So today was the first day my maid (I feel silly and slightly snobby American saying I have a maid), but anyways, she is great, super friendly, and tells me about all the places to shop! Anyways back to what I was saying... Today was the first day, Selena (my maid), cooked for me! Oh boy that first bite was delicious and then WOW, POW, SPICE!!! Ahhh, I think I downed an entire bottle of apple juice and half a loaf of bread (ok so maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration) but it was spicy! I'm definitely going to have to tell her to tone down the spices for my American tongue!!!
Posted by ColeenMegan at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ganesh Chaturthi
The birthday of the Hindu god Ganesh is known as Ganesh Chaturthi and is celebrated on August 23 this year. Ganesh, the elephant- headed god is not only the god of wisdom and success but also the Remover of Obstacles. He has the head of an elephant and is plump with a prominent pot belly! Many Hindu homes, shops and temples have an image of Ganesh over the main doorway to ward off any evil. His blessings are invoked before beginning anything important such as starting a business venture, getting married, constructing a house and even before embarking on a long journey. Even other gods worship Ganesh before a new beginning.
Beautiful clay images of Ganesh are made for worship on Ganesh Chaturthi. After prayers and offerings have been made to the clay image, it is taken in procession to the sea or river for immersion. Special sweets like laddu and steamed rice dumplings stuffed with jaggery and coconut known in Tamil Nadu as ‘Kollakotai” are made for the occasion.
Ganesh is also called Ganesha or Ganapathi. As Remover of obstacles (vighna) he is called Vighnesa, Vighneshwara, Vighnaraja and Vinayaka(leader).
All Hindu Gods have a vehicle and Ganesh rides a mouse. He is man, elephant and mouse in one and has a solution for every problem.
There are many stories about Ganesh and how he came to be. The most widespread story goes like this… ..
Goddess Parvati wanted a follower who would be loyal to her above all else. So she created a beautiful son and told him to stop anyone from entering her chambers. When lord Shiva, Parvati’s husband was stopped by this boy Shiva was furious and chopped off his head! Parvati appeared when she heard the shrieks and was in tears as she told Shiva that the victim was her son and he must restore his life immediately. The first passing animal was an elephant and Shiva used the elephant head to restore life to the boy. He also promised Parvati that the child would be the lord of the followers and be worshipped by all the gods.
Posted by ColeenMegan at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Getting out There!
It's barely two weeks into my life in India and boy did I hit the ground running. My first week I didn't seem much more than my apartment and school as I was trying to make a classroom out of not very much at all and catch up on my severe case of jet lag. As the weekend rolled around I was feeling like I finally had recovered from the jet lag and well... that classroom was what it was going to be until I received more supplies.
Posted by ColeenMegan at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
YES!!! There was and EARTHQUAKE here!!! I woke up at 1am to my bed shaking, boy was that the craziest thing ever! I was in such a deep sleep and was so confused, I couldn't quite figure out if my bed was shaking or not... I turned on the light put my foot on the floor it was so weird, it didn't seem to me that anything else was shaking, but I guess it was! It went on for a good 10 minutes stopped and then started up again. Actually I was so out of it that I thought maybe my place was haunted (my cell phone light randomly turned on also)! Yay, yay... go ahead and laugh, I did! In the morning when I woke up my first thought was "Ok that definitely happened I remember turning on the light and trying to figure out what was going on." The first thing I did was try to make my bed move, I shook it from the end and then sat on it and tried bouncing to see how much it would move and boy was that thing solid! It didn't move at all!
The earthquake wasn't actually in Chennai, it's epicenter was around the Andaman Islands, off the coast of India. Click here for details!
Posted by ColeenMegan at 7:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: earthquake
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
School Days
So my classroom isn't quite finished, I'm still waiting on more bookcases, as you can see all the books are piled up on the tables at the moment (but at least I have books)! Like I mentioned in my last post my students are from all over the world. I had them write where they visited this summer, I think almost every continent was touch with the exception of Antarctica and maybe Africa, pretty incredible! The students are fairly well behaved but that could also have to do with the fact that there are only 14 of them. All of my students with the exception of 2 or 3 are all English language learners. They are all very eager learners and should make for a fun and exciting year. My classroom is my classroom unlike in the states where I had to teach what they told me, when they told me, how they told me! It's a bit challenging at the moment because I'm used to having more of a direct curriculum but I know it's going to be fun and exciting being able to implement things I wish I could have done before but there just wasn't time!
Oh yeah... the kids call us by our 1st names so I am Miss Coleen, I love it! *From the entrance
*From the windows (opposite of the entrance) door to the left connects to another 3rd grade classroom
*From the back entrance side corner
*From the my desk (front of the room farthest from the entrance)
Posted by ColeenMegan at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tid Bits

Posted by ColeenMegan at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Hard at Work
Cleaning here seems almost like a ritual. Each day there are people outside sweeping the sidewalks, spraying off the front steps, cleaning pots on the street corner, etc. which in its self seems so ironic when you look around and see the garbage just lying in the streets.
Each morning as I walk out onto my balcony I see my one neighbor busy working and cleaning. No matter when I'm out in the morning she is always cleaning something! Usually I see her sweeping the front steps/walkway. This morning though I was lucky to observe her washing clothes no washing machine or washing board, only a cinderblock, scrub brush and a small bucket of water, Watch the video below...
Posted by ColeenMegan at 6:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: washing
Some things never change...
I've been in school since Wednesday (including Saturday and Sunday) unpacking/setting up my classroom (sound familiar)... yup same thing I'd be doing in the states! Also needless to say I don't have everything I need to set up my classroom, guess that's how setting up a new building goes.
It's not all complaints though...
*I have only 14 students (only 2 are American, the majority are S. Korean and French, the others are from Australia, Japan, Germany, Hungary, Israel)
*I have 8 (yes 8) 45 minute specials throughout the week!
*I have a 10:15-10:30 morning snack/recess break (just like when I was in New Zealand)
*All of my beginner ESOL kids are pulled out during the entire reading block (that leaves me with about 10 students for reading) AND I am NOT responsible for their reading grade (makes sense since I don't even see them for reading)
*There is one aid for the 5 3rd grade rooms which means that I get her two mornings and two afternoons a week!
I will have pictures of my classroom and school to post soon! It's still a work in progress!
Posted by ColeenMegan at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
First Indian Experience
Posted by ColeenMegan at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
As I flew into Chennai a wave of nervousness overtook me... was my luggage going to be there, would I get through customs smoothly, will I be able to find whoever was picking me up. Well I moved through customs and security without a problem. However waiting for my luggage was a little stressful as I waited for 20 minutes until mine came through but there it was and I was off. This airport was very small (this was helpful as I didn't have to walk very far) but the first thing I saw as I walked through security from the baggage claim were masses of people waiting to pick up those arriving. Was I ever going to find the apartments manager with my name on a little board, I scanned about 10 name plates until I found mine... yay!!! I had done it traveled all that way by myself!!! The 3 men that were there to pick me up were very nice and helpful, grabbing all of my luggage from me and taking it all to the car.
The drive to the apartment wasn't very long, maybe 20 minutes. As we were driving though I literally felt myself sitting up as straight as possible and completely wide eyed taking in everything I was seeing. My first impression as I walked out of the airport reminded me of Mexico, lots of men trying to sell their cab service to you, but not as quite as pushy. As we drove down the street to the apartment it was kind of hard to see, it was 1am and everything was dark. My first, oh my gosh I'm in India moment, was seeing a cow eating from the trash piled on the side of the road. Then as we got a little further I saw what appeared to be a young couple on a motorcycle, she was on the back holding on tightly while wearing her sari. Other than the clothing this was nothing different than what I would see at home and it was comforting.
Then... we arrived at the apartment, as we entered I was thinking this must be a joke, or there must be someone else living with me. The place is huge... 3 bedrooms (two, with beds and linens) 4 bathrooms (each bedroom has a bathroom and then a main bathroom) a bigger than I could use kitchen ;) (stocked with dishes for 4, some staple foods to get me through until I find the local grocery store, and 3 water jugs to get me started), a great sitting area and dinning area (with table, already set up with table cloth place mates and napkins, and a box of Honey Bunches of Oats cereal). But that's not all... each bedroom and the sitting area have a walk out balcony! The windows already have curtains, the beds have linens and there was one bath towel waiting for me (thank goodness because all of mine are being shipped, I forgot to pack one!) Also the phone and internet were already set up for me.
Completely jet lagged I was up until 3am local time slept then for an hour. At around 4:30am I couldn't lay in bed anymore so I got up to look around the apartment. The car was coming to pick me up at 8am for my first day of work so I had some time to kill... around 6 I decided to take a shower, not knowing at the time that I had to turn on the hot water heater in order to take a hot shower... needless to say my 1st Indian shower was a cold one. In my mind I was thinking well I guess this is just what I have to get used to... until I was informed about the hot water heater! YAY! The next day I had a nice hot shower!
Posted by ColeenMegan at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Posted by ColeenMegan at 5:05 AM 2 comments
Labels: flying