Wow... I didn't realize how much time had passed since my last post. Sorry to keep everyone in the dark, because I know you are checking everyday with anticipation ;)
So what's new...
e past few weekends have been fantastic. A couple weeks ago I bought a saree... which I love, I can't wait to wear it for India week at school. I'm also hopping that someone will get married and invite me to their wedding so that I can wear it there too :) In that same weekend we went to this awesome restaurant, Zara's, Spanish tapas! Mimi and I pampered ourselves a little bit, she got a great hair cut and I got a facial.
This past weekend I went to Pondicherry, an old French colony, 3 hours south
of Chennai. I went with Mimi but there were a lot of other teachers down there, we had Friday off for Gandhi's birthday. There was a huge Gandhi statue on the beach at Pondicherry. There were stair leading to the top where people climbed and put these flower leis. It was so nice there! You wouldn't think you were in India except for the autos that were still all around. It is a tourist town so it definitely catered to tourists, lot's of shopping, no trash on the streets, there were actually signs encouraging
people to throw their trash away. You wouldn't believe though still all the people that we watched just litteraly let their trash go in the wind, right on the beautiful beach there! That aside it was wonderful... quiet streets (no horns signs were posted all over the place!), empty streets, we actually found ourselves standing in the middle of the streets stopping to take pictures and not even having to think about getting run over by a bus, motorcycle, scotter, auto, bicycle, etc... So while I was there we did some shopping, ate some great food, relaxed, and pierced my nose! I was a mess, so scared, bu
t it was worth it, I love it! I got it done with a needle, not the gun, but I found out after the fact that the way the guy did it was very traditional. He pierced it with the needle and then treaded string through, and basically flossed it through to make the hole bigger (yes, ouch it hurt a lot!) But now I have a cute little diamond (well it's not real yet, I'm working on getting a real one soon) in my nose :) What is that saying... When in Rome!
I have one more week of school until our week long October break. I can't wait, I'm heading to Goa, a beach town on the west coast, with a group of girls from school. I should have some great pictures and stories... we can drink there ;)
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