Friday, October 21, 2011

Cambodia Orphanage Fundraising Efforts

School House

15 year old boys absolutely loving picture books... they were starved for books!
Last summer while traveling through Southeast Asia I spent some time at an the OEO orphanage in Cambodia. The children there stole my heart and I vowed that when I returned home I would do what I could to fund raise to help provide the children with basics like rice, soap, toothbrushes, etc. I am in the process of setting up, with a friend, a non profit which will directly benefit the children at the orphanage.

I can't do this alone and am asking for a little time and support from each one of you as I try to reach my goal of helping to sustain the, newly established, OEO orphanage. My hopes are to return next summer to work with the children and see to it that the funds are placed in the correct hands. In order to fund raise and afford the trip back I have started selling Stella and Dot Jewelry.

I'm simply asking each of you to consider hosting a jewelry show at your home or another place of your liking, I've seen people have them at restaurants.

30% of the profits from each show will go directly to the orphanage to supply the children with food, basic toiletries (toothbrush, soap, etc), help to offset the housing rent, school supplies, and bikes (needed to help the small children travel the 5K to and from school each day).

Learning new English words

The colorful alphabet they created during class with Mimi and I!

For more information please visit the OEO orphanage site


Stella and Dot website,

Please contact me and let me know a date you would like to host a party or if you would like to purchase a piece of jewelry!

I truly appreciate your help and support!

xo Coleen